In addition to the You Teach You series, our first math product is a free website - It's the first math fact speed site to learn all 400 basic math facts and do it in such a way that's fast and fun! Automatically being able to recall facts fast is a key foundation for learning math while reducing the likelihood of mistakes.
We launched at the beginning of the school year in Fall 2023. To date students have been shown 60 million math facts!
That’s a lot of flash cards!
Fact: One 10pt card stock flash card is .010’ thick. Stacked on top of each other, 60 million math cards represent 600,000 inches or, 50,000 feet or, 9.47 miles.
Fact: The tallest building in the world is Burj Khalifa located in Dubai, UAE with a total height of 2,716 feet.
Fact: Mount Everest, the tallest mountain on Earth, is approximately 29,032 feet tall.
Fact: Most commercial airliners fly anywhere from about 31,000 feet to 42,000 feet.
Big Facts: FactFreaks, in it's debut school year, has metaphorically grown over 18x taller than any man-made building, has skyrocketed past the summit of Mt. Everest, and is flying higher than the average cruising altitude!

So, my friends, we are doing our part for the environment by saving the trees that would produce 60 million flash cards. We’re saving time for parents and teachers. And best of all, students are soaring as they learn their basic math facts.
And we’re just getting started! Let's aim for the mesosphere!