Steve argues that the best way to learn new math content is to start with pre-worked examples, practice problems, and instant feedback and then move on to more complex tasks and open-ended projects.
Steve Hare, author of the You Teach You math series, offers insight on how to create self-instructional math activities based on pre-worked examples. If you want to know tips and tricks from the expert, this is a must read!
Steve Hare, author of the You Teach You math series, offers insight on how to create self-instructional math activities based on pre-worked examples. If you want to know tips and tricks from the expert, this is a must read! I've...
Educational research has consistently found one-to-one tutoring to be the most effective form of math instruction there is; classrooms are too large and diverse to work. Self-instructional materials based on pre-worked examples will be the future of math education. It’s...
We are doing our part for the environment by saving the trees that would produce millions of flash cards. We’re saving time for parents and teachers. And best of all, students are soaring as they learn their basic math facts.
Discover the power of the "Final Answer?" box in teaching math. Read how it transformed one teacher's classroom by revealing misconceptions, and guiding genuinely effective instruction. Gain insights into student thinking, fostering self-reflection, and unlocking the potential of every learner....
FactFreaks creator Steve Hare’s book series You Teach You deploys worked examples in a new way, enabling students to access math on their own. To accompany these books he has listed some worked example Do’s and Don’ts for those who...
Discover why 'good' students misbehave in class. They're not bad - they're bored, baffled, or browbeaten. Keep instruction in the Goldilocks zone to engage them effectively and avoid behavior problems. Use the 'see it, do it, check it' approach for...