You Teach You: Foundations Bundle (Print version only)
Why buy the series in a bundle?
First, it's a 10% savings if you buy the four books at once instead of one at time!
But mainly because our experience has shown that it's best to start at the beginning with Basic Operations and work through the series from there. Why? Because higher math is constructed from lower math; when the lower math hasn't been fully mastered - in detail - further progress is impossible. Working through the entire You Teach You basic math sequence from the beginning is a sure-fire route to genuine mastery, so every student, household, and classroom should have access to the entire four book series.
Who is the series for?
It's for you if you're looking to fill in gaps in your math background. Or if you're preparing to learn Algebra. Or if you're getting your GED. It's for you if you're entering a trade school and need a refresher. And it's for you if you're a classroom teacher or homeschool parent seeking to establish a solid mathematical foundation that's ready - and easy - to build on.