Tips for Parents and Guardians
1. If your child is struggling (or just starting out), have them go to Basic Training first.
This will enable them to learn their facts without a stoppage of gameplay. Once they can play for a minute and get ten right without any mistakes, encourage them to play FactFreaks.
2. It’s okay to give them the answers!
It’s not worth the time for them to count on their fingers, or in any way become frustrated. Sit with them while they play and if they hesitate too long, give them the answer! Don't worry, they will begin memorizing the facts and will need less and less of this but it will help give them the confidence they need to continue!
3. Use the number lines and Fact Sheets to help your child visualize the basic math facts.
Print out number lines and Fact Sheets for your child. (Available in the menu). Use the number lines, Fact Sheets, and the following formula to help your child discover their basic math facts:‌
‌a ? b = c‌
Addition (? = +): Have your child start at a on the number line and count up b to get to c (in other words, move to the right b spaces).
Subtraction (? = -): Have your child start at a on the number line and count down b to get to c (in other words, move to the left b spaces).
Multiplication (? = x): Have your child start at zero on the number line and take b jumps of a to get to c.
Division (? = /): Have your child start at a on the number line and prove that b jumps of c will get them back to zero.
4. Encourage your child to use the Fact Sheets during gameplay.
Print out the Basic Fact Sheets for your child. Allow them to use the Fact Sheets as they play FactFreaks. Have them use a highlighter to mark the facts they struggle with; they’ll create personalized lists of the facts they still need to work on as they go.
5. Consider using a reward system for reaching Full-Speed (40 facts per minute).
A student must be able to correctly complete 40 facts per minute to be considered proficient with basic math facts. Children who do so should be rewarded for achieving this all-important educational milestone! (Also, feel free to reward them for any other milestones along the way!).
As a general rule, students should reach Full-Speed in:
Addition by the end of 1st grade.
Subtraction by the end of 2nd grade.
Multiplication by the end of 3rd grade.
Division by the end of 4th grade.
Full-Speed in Scrambler by the end of 5th grade and Impossible Scrambler by the end of 6th grade are also recommended.
6. Play FactFreaks with your child.
Playing along with your child is a great way to avoid the “Do as I say, not as I do” trap, and a little friendly competition can be wonderfully motivational!
7. Play FactFreaks frequently.
Now you can get in a little fact practice with your child anytime, anywhere! And unlike antiquated flashcards, FactFreaks does all the work - and only takes a minute of your time, so a little bit each day can produce amazing results!
8. Be patient!
There are 400 basic math facts to learn – remember that 3+6 represents an entirely different grouping than 6+3 so knowing both are equally important.
FactFreaks is the fastest possible way to memorize these facts, but still, it’s going to take time - and lots of patient encouragement.
Also, prepare for a little “FactFreaks frustration” from time to time. FactFreaks requires perfection with basic math facts and this can be frustratingly difficult to achieve. A little break every so often, or playing some games in Basic Training, is highly recommended.
Steve Hare
Math-Whisperer. Humanist.