Discover why 'good' students misbehave in class. They're not bad - they're bored, baffled, or browbeaten. Keep instruction in the Goldilocks zone to engage them effectively and avoid behavior problems. Use the 'see it, do it, check it' approach for...
Understanding kids' video game addiction unveils effective math instruction: Tasks should be in the 'Goldilocks zone' (balanced challenge), with clear worked examples, instant feedback, and gradual complexity. Self-paced, open-ended learning creates a similarly addictive experience. Think for a moment about...
Discover the magic of chunking! It's like Mary Poppins teaching kids to say "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" backward. Break tasks into bite-sized chunks like Disney did, and let’s make math mastery a reality, one "dociousaliexpeisticfragicalirupus" at a time! If you ever want proof...
Math textbooks fail to teach effectively, overwhelming students with content, creating cognitive overload. Publishers prioritize sales over learning. The solution? A 'see it, do it, check it' approach that simplifies learning, reduces stress, and promotes understanding. Our children deserve better!...
Learn how applying the scientific method to math story problems can enhance problem-solving skills, providing a structured framework for success. Written by Guest Blogger Dr. Gene Tavernetti.Gene has been involved in education for over thirty years. He has served as coach,...
The surprising solution to multiplying and dividing negatives: Opposite Day.
Demystify the addition and subtraction of negatives using a new approach to number lines.
Once a student is equipped with a good understanding and has become automatic with the tools of their craft, they have the tools to make art. This is as true in math as music or dance.